Ms.Louise Hosking – Speaker

Louise became IOSH President in November 2021 having served as a Vice-President for 3 years and President-Elect for one year. Prior to this she was Chair of the Chiltern Branch and remains an active member of the Consultancy Sector Group.
Louise’s Presidential themes focus on “People, Sustainability and Putting the Heart into Health & Safety”. As the world learns to adapt to living in a pandemic and with climate change, she will be focusing on how the modern OSH professional will add value to their organisations by moving beyond the technical to embrace #PowerSkills and what good looks like. By putting people first, by caring about how they feel, we will create inclusive, healthy, and psychologically safe organisations which build teams who trust each other. With trust, people will innovate and bring their best selves to solve the world’s greatest challenges.
Louise is a first career Health & Safety Professional with over 30 years of experience. After graduating from Nottingham Trent University, she worked as an Environmental Health Officer for Cambridge City Council, for the Co-Operative promoting safe working practices and then in the construction sector before becoming Head of Environmental Health & Safety at Savills. She remains a commercial property management OSH specialist. Her consultancy, Hosking Associates, was established in 2005. As an employer and small business owner, she has a keen understanding of the distractions and pressures leaders face every day.
Louise is committed to challenging the more traditional image of a Health & Safety professional by focusing on Positive OSH achievements, innovation and highlighting the benefits to businesses of operating in a healthy, safe, sustainable and fair manner. She is an advocate for the use of positive language, so individuals learn from examples of prevention first, best practice rather than negative reinforcements of bad. From here cultural transformation can be achieved throughout organisations which make businesses more efficient, engaging, and exciting places to work and do business with.
Louise is a passionate Inclusion champion both within IOSH and outside of it. She is a co-founder of the OneWISH coalition: Women & Inclusion in Safety & Health. This is bringing networks together from around the world to encourage diversity of thought and to help with developing creative professionals representative of the modern world of work.
Outside of IOSH Louise is a risk management leader working alongside teams across a range of sectors. A specialist in developing safe, healthy & sustainable management strategies. This is achieved via a tight, agile team who encourages cultural evolution via collaborative approaches whilst remaining unafraid to make strong decisions and be a critical friend when this is required.
Louise is a regular contributor to a wide range of publications and an event speaker. Principally, she comments on all areas of OSH exploring it as a driver for success as well as promoting ethical company values, respect, and inclusion to develop businesses with a strong moral backbone. She speaks regularly at conferences promoting the benefits of investing in Human Capital and modern leadership approaches to achieve high OSH standards.
Pre-Event Session 21 04 2022
Catch the Wave: how safety and health at work delivers future resilience through social sustainability
In every region of the world, across every sector, employers and investors are challenged to realise and sustain value in volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous conditions. Amid external factors they cannot control, one they can influence is the way organisations look after their people and the resilience and returns on investment this can deliver.
Research and professional experience in asset management, investment, stewardship, governance, risk, insurance, and occupational safety and health (OSH) consistently show how businesses with stronger sustainability practices have stronger operational performance and cash flow.
Employers setting high standards for the treatment of their workforce, their communities and supply chains tend to reap rewards, with stronger performance and growth. Those who preside over poor working conditions, neglect, and abuse cause vulnerability and inequalities across our economies and societies. They’re high-risk bad investments.
Now, human sustainability credentials are coming under greater scrutiny. Businesses must begin learning to measure, monitor, and communicate socially sustainable aspects of their work if they wish their reputations and brands to survive and prosper. Post COVID-19, all this is more critical than ever.
IOSH’s Catch the Wave campaign demystifies a sometimes-bewildering landscape in which OSH, human capital, the people-planet-profit axis, social sustainability, sustainable development goals, human rights and more, all occupy the same space and interact beneficially.
A new IOSH model consolidates the OSH-specific and OSH-relevant aspects of many instruments, such as the available reporting frameworks and international standards. It locates common areas of focus and provides insights and tools businesses of any size can use.
In her presentation, IOSH President Louise Hosking will reveal how IOSH’s Catch the Wave campaign is helping organisations to monitor, measure and act; she will also speak about IOSH’s work in Africa and the Middle East and strategic partnerships with global NGOs.
Find out how OSH contributes to socially sustainable development and the benefits this confers on organisations. It’s time to put people alongside planet and profit to unlock and unleash the tremendous potential value that lies in a business’s workforce. Join us to ensure safety, health and wellbeing at work sustains lives and livelihoods across global supply chains.
Pre-Event Session 21 04 2022