Mr. Tim Page-Bottorff CSP CIT -Speaker
Tim’s career in safety began 28 years ago as a marine in Operation Desert Storm, assisting put out oil fires in Kuwait. After leaving the military, Tim was awarded the ASSP Society Wide Safety Professional of the Year in 2018. Tim also received the National Safety Council’s Distinguished Service to Safety Award (DSSA). Tim is currently the Region II Vice President for ASSP, is the CEO of Total Safety Compliance, Lectures for Central Washington University and is a Senior Executive with the SafeStart team.
Tim is a thought leader in instructional design for health and safety training programs. Tim instructs for Total Safety Compliance, SafeStart, The OSHA Training Institute at UCSD, and several other customers globally. He is currently lecturing in the Occupational Health and Safety Management Program at Central Washington University.
Tim is the author of, “Safety Health and Security in Wastewater Systems” and is the author of the “Core of Four”, a motivational book to improve human performance.
Tim has a BS in Business Management and is wrapping up his master’s degree in OSH Management at Central Washington University.
7 October 2020
keynote Session 12: Humor in Safety
WARNING: Attending this session may cause belly-aches, teary eyes, and sore sides!
Have your safety and health presentations become drab and dreary? Do your employees attend safety sessions with a kick in their step?
Spruce them up with a little humor!
Tim will present to you in a fun and light-hearted way, how to engage your employees through the use of personal anecdotes, humorous video clips, storytelling, and more. We all know that safety is a serious topic, but we can learn how to make safety training interesting and even fun! You just may find that by adding a bit of humor to your sessions, you will enjoy teaching the classes more than ever before and your students will remember the teaching points.
Add techniques to your safety presentations that can wake up a tired, bored, or inattentive audience. In fact, using humor can actually help you make serious points about safety!
Discover why adults aren’t always eager to participate in safety training and what you can do to capture their interest
Learn some simple techniques to make safety meetings motivating and entertaining!
Be introduced to great ideas that will engage your family and loved ones in a way that will raise their awareness and keep them safer 24/7
7 October 2020
keynote Session 12: Q & A
6 October 2020
keynote Session 5: Embrace Errors and Don’t Hide Them
People are often ashamed to admit they’ve made a mistake—but human error is unavoidable. The reality of the situation is that simple mistakes can often have serious injury outcomes. Should you focus on helping people prevent making errors in the first place or focus on managing errors with sound systems thinking?
Tim will demonstrate how to do both. See why individual, group, and systems thinking is needed to effectively prevent injuries and continuously learn from every day variances in work to avoid serious consequences.
We will understand human and system factors and the relationship between them for continuous improvement. And to clarify the differences between human error prevention and human error management. And learn why everyone needs to fully understand, communicate, and practice both error prevention and management strategies at work and at home.
6 October 2020
keynote Session 5: Q & A