Tricia is the Executive Vice President of Risk Management for Jordan Foster Construction a large construction organization that performs civil, multifamily, and general contracting across Texas. Tricia leads the risk management, safety, and leadership teams. Tricia is a construction industry expert and speaker on various leadership, risk management and safety topics, including crisis management, emergency response best practices, education across cultures, and servant leadership and diversity. She holds a master’s degree in dispute resolution from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, and her bachelor of science in business administration and a bachelor of arts in communication—public relations from Regis University in Denver, Colorado. Her professional credentials include Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter (CPCU); Certified Safety Professional (CSP); Construction Risk Insurance Specialist (CRIS); Associate in Risk Management (ARM); Associate in Claims Management (AIC); licensed Texas claims representative and commercial agent; and served as a construction panel arbitrator with the AAA. Tricia is the author of the upcoming book “The B Words; 13 Words Every Woman Must Navigate on the Journey to Self Defined Success” where she highlights challenges and breakthrough strategies for women entering non-traditional roles in the workplace.
6 October 2020
keynote Session 3: The After the Crisis: Identifying and Managing the Human Impact
Most organizations have developed, refined, and tested all aspects of their crisis management communication plans. A hidden risk that is rarely identified or discussed is how to manage the human impact of the people indirectly impacted by the Crisis. Family members, friends, relatives, coworkers, witnesses, and even first responders can have a difficult emotional journey post-accident. The impact can be mitigated when resources and responses are identified well in advance of any crisis event.
6 October 2020
keynote Session 3 Q & A